Synchrony Financial (SYF) Moves Lower on Volume Spike for November 02

Synchrony Financial (SYF) traded on unusually high volume on Nov. 02, as the stock lost 9.58% to close at $26.43. On the day, Synchrony Financial saw 18.84 million shares trade hands on 81,305 trades. Considering that the stock averages only a daily volume of 5.3 million shares a day over the last month, this represents a pretty significant bump in volume over the norm.

Trecora Resources (TREC) Plunges 9.54% on November 01

Trecora Resources (TREC) had a rough trading day for Thursday November 01 as shares tumbled 9.54%, or a loss of $-1.03 per share, to close at $9.77. After opening the day at $10.68, shares of Trecora Resources traded as high as $10.68 and as low as $9.74. Volume was 70,571 shares over 567 trades, against an average daily volume of 31,313 shares and a total float of 24.49 million.

Equities Rebound on Trade War Optimism

Trump easing concerns over the US -Sino trade war saw Wall Street rebound on turnaround Tuesday, after a wild start to the trading week. The President soothed the markets with comments that he is willing to negotiate with China on trade. The Dow rocketed over 400 points, whilst the S&P and Nasdaq jumped 1.6%. These are the most encouraging comments that we have heard from Trump regarding the trade war, which is providing a glimmer of hope to traders that Trump could be turning a corner on this policy ahead of the midterm elections.

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