FDA cancer lead Harpreet Singh departs to serve as Precision for Medicine CMO

FDA cancer lead Harpreet Singh departs to serve as Precision for Medicine CMO

FDA oncology division director Harpreet Singh, M.D., has left the agency to join Precision for Medicine as chief medical officer, the clinical research organization announced May 23 in a press release.

Singh spent eight years at the FDA, where she started out as a medical officer for genitourinary malignancies. She ended her tenure there as a director of Division of Oncology 2, a department that regulates the development of drugs to treat thoracic head and neck cancers, rare neurological cancers and pediatric solid tumors. Her responsibilities at the agency included leading a program called Project Pragmatica that aimed to streamline clinical trials. At one point, she also served as associate director for cancer in older adults and special populations at the FDA Oncology Center of Excellence, according to the release.

Before joining the FDA, Singh was a medical oncology fellow at the National Cancer Institute for three years. She did her residency and a fellowship in geriatric medicine at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine, from which she also earned her medical degree.

“The wealth of experience that Dr. Singh brings to Precision from over a decade of experience at the FDA and National Cancer Institute will be invaluable to our organization, our clients and, ultimately, patients,” Sofia Baig, president of clinical solutions at Precision for Medicine, said in the release. “She is a proven leader in precision medicine, novel trial design and innovative regulatory initiatives designed to expedite clinical development.”

Precision for Medicine is one of two divisions of Precision

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