Equities Analysts Set Expectations for Barrick Gold Corp’s FY2022 Earnings (TSE:ABX)

Equities Analysts Set Expectations for Barrick Gold Corp’s FY2022 Earnings (TSE:ABX)

Barrick Gold Corp (TSE:ABX) (NYSE:ABX) – Research analysts at Jefferies Financial Group decreased their FY2022 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of Barrick Gold in a research report issued on Monday, August 12th, Zacks Investment Research reports. Jefferies Financial Group analyst C. Lafemina now forecasts that the basic materials company will earn $0.88 per share for the year, down from their prior forecast of $0.90.

A number of other analysts have also recently issued reports on ABX. BMO Capital Markets reissued an “outperform” rating and issued a C$20.00 target price on shares of Barrick Gold in a research report on Thursday, July 4th. Canaccord Genuity upped their target price on Barrick Gold from C$19.50 to C$21.00 in a research report on Friday, July 19th. Finally, Eight Capital upped their target price on Barrick Gold from C$20.00 to C$28.00 in a research report on Thursday, August 8th.

Shares of TSE ABX traded down C$0.81 during trading hours on Wednesday, reaching C$23.55. The stock had a trading volume of 6,740,550 shares, compared to its average volume of 5,164,636. The firm has a market cap of $42.70 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of -26.34. The company has a current ratio of 2.72, a quick ratio of 1.45 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 31.45. Barrick Gold has a fifty-two week low of C$12.54 and a fifty-two week high of C$26.69. The firm has a 50-day moving average of C$23.99 and a 200-day moving average of C$19.56.

The business also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Monday, September 16th. Shareholders of record on Friday, August 30th will be given a dividend of $0.053 per share. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, August 29th. This represents a $0.21 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 0.90%. Barrick Gold’s payout ratio is -19.02%.

In related news, Senior Officer Mark Francis Hill acquired 20,373 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction on Monday, August 19th. The stock was bought at an average cost of C$24.03 per share, with a total value of C$489,563.19. Following the transaction, the insider now owns 38,826 shares of the company’s stock, valued at C$932,988.78.

A number of institutional investors have recently bought and sold shares of the business. Legacy Bridge LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Barrick Gold in the 1st quarter valued at approximately $28,000. McIlrath & Eck LLC lifted its holdings in shares of Barrick Gold by 624.7% in the 1st quarter. McIlrath & Eck LLC now owns 2,174 shares of the basic materials company’s stock valued at $30,000 after buying an additional 1,874 shares during the period. Cornerstone Advisors Inc. lifted its holdings in shares of Barrick Gold by 48.7% in the 1st quarter. Cornerstone Advisors Inc. now owns 2,433 shares of the basic materials company’s stock valued at $33,000 after buying an additional 797 shares during the period. Synovus Financial Corp lifted its holdings in shares of Barrick Gold by 152.8% in the 1st quarter. Synovus Financial Corp now owns 2,445 shares of the basic materials company’s stock valued at $33,000 after buying an additional 1,478 shares during the period. Finally, CWM LLC lifted its holdings in shares of Barrick Gold by 100.1% in the 1st quarter. CWM LLC now owns 2,698 shares of the basic materials company’s stock valued at $37,000 after buying an additional 1,350 shares during the period.

Barrick Gold Company Profile

Barrick Gold Corporation explores for and develops mineral properties. The company primarily explores for gold, copper, and silver deposits. It holds a 50% interest in the Veladero, a gold mine located in Argentina; 50% interest in the Kalgoorlie gold mine located in Australia; 95% interest in the Porgera gold mine located in Papua New Guinea; 50% interest in the Zaldívar, a copper mine located in Chile; and 50% interest in the Jabal Sayid copper mine located in Saudi Arabia.

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