Equities Analysts Cut Earnings Estimates for Hecla Mining (NYSE:HL)

Equities Analysts Cut Earnings Estimates for Hecla Mining (NYSE:HL)

Hecla Mining (NYSE:HL) – Equities researchers at B. Riley decreased their FY2021 earnings per share estimates for shares of Hecla Mining in a report released on Tuesday, November 5th. B. Riley analyst A. Graf now expects that the basic materials company will earn ($0.15) per share for the year, down from their previous forecast of ($0.14). B. Riley currently has a “Neutral” rating and a $1.80 target price on the stock.

Hecla Mining (NYSE:HL) last released its earnings results on Thursday, November 7th. The basic materials company reported ($0.02) earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of ($0.01) by ($0.01). The firm had revenue of $161.50 million during the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $179.40 million. Hecla Mining had a negative net margin of 20.98% and a negative return on equity of 6.02%. The business’s revenue was up 12.4% compared to the same quarter last year. During the same quarter last year, the business earned ($0.05) EPS.

Several other equities analysts also recently weighed in on HL. BMO Capital Markets upgraded Hecla Mining from an “underperform” rating to a “market perform” rating and raised their target price for the company from $1.60 to $2.20 in a research report on Thursday. HC Wainwright lifted their price objective on Hecla Mining from $3.00 to $3.75 and gave the stock a “buy” rating in a research report on Monday, August 19th. Canaccord Genuity downgraded Hecla Mining from a “hold” rating to a “sell” rating and set a $2.00 price objective on the stock. in a research report on Wednesday, August 7th. Cantor Fitzgerald upgraded Hecla Mining from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a research report on Friday. Finally, Zacks Investment Research downgraded Hecla Mining from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Tuesday, November 5th. Five analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, four have given a hold rating and three have assigned a buy rating to the company. Hecla Mining currently has an average rating of “Hold” and a consensus target price of $2.10.

Shares of NYSE HL traded up $0.08 during midday trading on Friday, hitting $2.31. The stock had a trading volume of 7,844,255 shares, compared to its average volume of 7,279,325. The company has a market capitalization of $1.13 billion, a PE ratio of -21.00 and a beta of 0.97. The stock has a 50 day simple moving average of $2.03 and a 200-day simple moving average of $1.80. Hecla Mining has a 1 year low of $1.21 and a 1 year high of $3.07. The company has a quick ratio of 0.55, a current ratio of 1.23 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.37.

In related news, Director Catherine J. Boggs acquired 40,540 shares of Hecla Mining stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, August 16th. The shares were purchased at an average price of $1.50 per share, for a total transaction of $60,810.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now owns 40,540 shares in the company, valued at approximately $60,810. The purchase was disclosed in a legal filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which can be accessed through the SEC website. Company insiders own 1.80% of the company’s stock.

A number of large investors have recently bought and sold shares of the business. Cetera Advisor Networks LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Hecla Mining during the third quarter valued at about $27,000. Verde Servicos Internacionais S.A. purchased a new stake in Hecla Mining during the 3rd quarter valued at $29,000. Advisors Management Group Inc. ADV purchased a new stake in Hecla Mining during the 2nd quarter valued at $31,000. Brookstone Capital Management raised its holdings in Hecla Mining by 90.5% during the 3rd quarter. Brookstone Capital Management now owns 22,974 shares of the basic materials company’s stock valued at $40,000 after buying an additional 10,916 shares during the period. Finally, Corient Capital Partners LLC purchased a new stake in Hecla Mining during the 2nd quarter valued at $41,000. Institutional investors own 56.61% of the company’s stock.

About Hecla Mining

Hecla Mining Company, together with its subsidiaries, discovers, acquires, develops, and produces precious and base metal properties worldwide. The company offers lead, zinc, and bulk flotation concentrates to custom smelters and brokers; and unrefined gold and silver bullion bars to precious metals traders.

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