Shares of BlackBerry Ltd. BB, +0.26% inched 0.26% higher to $11.40 Tuesday, on what proved to be an all-around great trading session for the stock market, with the S&P 500 Index SPX, +0.37% rising 0.37% to 4,630.65 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.39% rising 0.39% to 36,052.63. This was the stock’s fourth consecutive day of gains. BlackBerry Ltd. closed $17.37 short of its 52-week high ($28.77), which the company reached on January 27th.
The stock demonstrated a mixed performance when compared to some of its competitors Tuesday, as CrowdStrike Holdings Inc. Cl A CRWD, -0.39% fell 0.39% to $268.12, VMware Inc. VMW, +7.85% rose 7.85% to $134.87, and Citrix Systems Inc. CTXS, +0.88% rose 0.88% to $95.59. Trading volume (9.6 M) remained 765,789 below its 50-day average volume of 10.3 M.