BD launches ultrasound probe for guiding IV needles

BD launches ultrasound probe for guiding IV needles

BD is launching a specialized ultrasound system designed to help clinicians target the perfect vein for their IV.

The company said it aims to help offer patients a “one-stick hospital stay,” with the goal of getting the line right the first time. The Prevue II system offers a look under the skin during IV placement and provides visible markers showing the depth of the needle in real time.

The one-stick mantra includes BD’s other vascular access tech, such as hardware it acquired in 2021 for collecting multiple blood samples over the course of a patient’s stay while only using a single port.

BD estimates that more than 90% of patients in the hospital receive IV fluids, with nearly two-thirds of people having hard-to-spot blood vessels that often result in multiple needlesticks as well as fluid leaks into surrounding tissue.

“First-stick success also reduces the pain and anxiety patients often experience while undergoing multiple IV access attempts and provides clinicians with IV workflow efficiencies and confidence,” Eric Borin, BD’s worldwide president of medication delivery solutions, said in a release.

When combined with BD’s magnetically tracked Cue needles, the Prevue II provides an on-screen display of the needle’s trajectory during insertion as well as confirmation of placement within the vein. It can also help the clinician select the correct catheter size for the diameter of the vessel.

The system’s probe is designed specifically for vascular access, with a wide base and a grip made for holding it against the limb, though it is also compatible with more traditional ultrasound equipment.

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