Quanticate and PhaseV partner on new adaptive clinical trial service

Quanticate and PhaseV partner on new adaptive clinical trial service

Biometric CRO Quanticate will work with PhaseV, a machine learning company developing software for clinical trials, to launch a new service that aims to help sponsors design and optimize adaptive trials.

In a press release issued April 25, the companies said they would bring Quanticate’s statistical programming, biostatistics and clinical data management solutions together with PhaseV’s machine learning platform and software to develop a new system that allows Quanticate’s statistical consultants to then assess whether a sponsor’s trial is suited for an adaptive design. Adaptive clinical trials are those with designs that change based on interim results.

Once the consultants have concluded whether the trial is a good fit for an adaptive design, Quanticate will develop an optimized design and execute the trial, according to the press release.

“Adaptive clinical trials have the potential, if adopted at scale, to increase the throughput of clinical development by an order of magnitude. However, for that to happen, sponsors need to overcome some major challenges including operational and data implications of a given trial,” PhaseV CEO Raviv Pryluk, Ph.D., said in the release. “High-quality implementation and careful integration with data management systems, together with top-notch service of biostatisticians, regulatory and medical experts is what is needed.”

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