Clario unveils new tool to view medical images in clinical trials

Clario unveils new tool to view medical images in clinical trials

Clinical health tech company Clario has rolled out its latest offering—a cloud-based tool that allows sponsors and CROs to view medical images of their clinical trials.

Dubbed Image Viewer, the tool provides “read-quality” access to these images in near real time while also eliminating manual steps previously required, Clario said in a March 13 release. The technology, which is data privacy compliant, allows for viewing and manipulation tools to generate full-resolution images.

Typically, sponsors and clinicians would have to wait on a complex process involving multiple parties being involved in image transfer, resulting in delays and the possibility of errors. That usually meant sponsors waiting until the end of the study phase or longer to view the images, Clario added.

“The Cloud-native Image Viewer is an innovative tool incorporating advanced usability features and is custom built working closely with our in-house radiologists specifically for clinical trial needs,” Gaurav Josan, Clario’s senior vice president of R&D, said in the release.

Clario has been busy since naming Christopher Fikry, M.D., as CEO last June. In August, the company signed up to a workplace diversity, equity and inclusion movement before releasing its thoughts on the three areas where AI can support trial patients in October.

Earlier this month, Clario even inked a deal with ArtiQ to leverage AI when collecting data from respiratory trials.

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