Equities Analysts Offer Predictions for Everbridge Inc’s Q3 2019 Earnings (NASDAQ:EVBG)

Equities Analysts Offer Predictions for Everbridge Inc’s Q3 2019 Earnings (NASDAQ:EVBG)

Everbridge Inc (NASDAQ:EVBG) – Research analysts at William Blair cut their Q3 2019 earnings per share estimates for Everbridge in a research note issued on Tuesday, August 6th, according to Zacks Investment Research. William Blair analyst B. Suri now anticipates that the technology company will post earnings per share of ($0.39) for the quarter, down from their previous estimate of ($0.35). William Blair also issued estimates for Everbridge’s Q4 2019 earnings at ($0.30) EPS, FY2019 earnings at ($1.40) EPS and FY2020 earnings at ($1.39) EPS.

Several other analysts have also recently weighed in on the stock. SunTrust Banks boosted their price objective on shares of Everbridge to $100.00 and gave the stock a “positive” rating in a research note on Thursday, June 20th. JPMorgan Chase & Co. boosted their price objective on shares of Everbridge from $75.00 to $93.00 and gave the stock a “neutral” rating in a research note on Tuesday, August 6th. BidaskClub cut shares of Everbridge from a “strong-buy” rating to a “buy” rating in a research note on Wednesday, August 7th. ValuEngine raised shares of Everbridge from a “buy” rating to a “strong-buy” rating in a research note on Tuesday, July 2nd. Finally, Zacks Investment Research raised shares of Everbridge from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating and set a $97.00 price objective on the stock in a research note on Saturday, August 10th. Two equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating, twelve have given a buy rating and one has issued a strong buy rating to the company’s stock. The stock presently has an average rating of “Buy” and a consensus price target of $100.00.

Shares of Everbridge stock traded up $0.14 during trading on Friday, hitting $86.20. The company’s stock had a trading volume of 352,273 shares, compared to its average volume of 605,039. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.52, a current ratio of 2.40 and a quick ratio of 2.40. Everbridge has a 52 week low of $41.94 and a 52 week high of $104.22. The stock has a market cap of $2.81 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of -60.28 and a beta of 0.83. The stock has a 50-day moving average price of $91.43 and a two-hundred day moving average price of $80.96.

Everbridge (NASDAQ:EVBG) last posted its earnings results on Monday, August 5th. The technology company reported ($0.32) earnings per share for the quarter, topping analysts’ consensus estimates of ($0.37) by $0.05. The firm had revenue of $48.40 million for the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $47.99 million. Everbridge had a negative net margin of 25.85% and a negative return on equity of 32.97%. During the same quarter in the previous year, the firm posted ($0.18) earnings per share. The company’s revenue was up 35.2% on a year-over-year basis.

In related news, insider Robert W. Hughes sold 19,278 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction on Thursday, August 1st. The shares were sold at an average price of $102.93, for a total value of $1,984,284.54. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is available at this hyperlink. Also, SVP Elliot J. Mark sold 3,500 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction on Monday, June 3rd. The shares were sold at an average price of $78.87, for a total transaction of $276,045.00. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. In the last 90 days, insiders sold 152,285 shares of company stock worth $13,915,329. 2.20% of the stock is owned by company insiders.

A number of hedge funds have recently added to or reduced their stakes in EVBG. Vanguard Group Inc. lifted its holdings in Everbridge by 52.1% in the second quarter. Vanguard Group Inc. now owns 3,144,174 shares of the technology company’s stock valued at $281,152,000 after buying an additional 1,077,481 shares during the period. Invesco Ltd. raised its holdings in shares of Everbridge by 1,126.2% during the second quarter. Invesco Ltd. now owns 707,005 shares of the technology company’s stock valued at $63,220,000 after purchasing an additional 649,349 shares during the period. BlackRock Inc. raised its holdings in shares of Everbridge by 29.5% during the second quarter. BlackRock Inc. now owns 2,596,838 shares of the technology company’s stock valued at $232,209,000 after purchasing an additional 591,681 shares during the period. Sylebra Capital Ltd raised its holdings in shares of Everbridge by 251.5% during the second quarter. Sylebra Capital Ltd now owns 821,140 shares of the technology company’s stock valued at $73,426,000 after purchasing an additional 587,542 shares during the period. Finally, Valinor Management L.P. acquired a new position in shares of Everbridge during the second quarter valued at about $33,262,000. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 98.63% of the company’s stock.

About Everbridge

Everbridge, Inc operates as a software company in the United States and internationally. The company’s Critical Event Management, a software as a service based platform with various software applications that address tasks an organization has to perform to manage a critical event, including Mass Notification that enables enterprises and governmental entities to send notifications to individuals or groups to keep them informed before, during, and after natural or man-made disasters, and other emergencies; Safety Connection that enables organizations to send notifications based on last known location of an individual; Incident Management that enables organizations to automate workflows and make their communications relevant; and IT Alerting that enables IT professionals to alert and communicate with members of their teams during an IT incident or outage.

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