Equities Analysts Increase Earnings Estimates for Alaris Royalty Corp. (TSE:AD)

Equities Analysts Increase Earnings Estimates for Alaris Royalty Corp. (TSE:AD)

Alaris Royalty Corp. (TSE:AD) – National Bank Financial raised their FY2020 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of Alaris Royalty in a note issued to investors on Wednesday, June 12th, according to Zacks Investment Research. National Bank Financial analyst J. Gloyn now expects that the company will post earnings per share of $1.70 for the year, up from their prior forecast of $1.68. National Bank Financial currently has a “Sector Perform” rating and a $18.00 target price on the stock.

Alaris Royalty (TSE:AD) last issued its quarterly earnings results on Monday, May 6th. The company reported C$0.42 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, topping the Thomson Reuters’ consensus estimate of C$0.41 by C$0.01. The business had revenue of C$27.66 million during the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of C$27.20 million.

Other analysts have also issued reports about the stock. CIBC raised their price objective on shares of Alaris Royalty from C$19.00 to C$22.00 in a research note on Thursday, March 7th. Cormark raised their price objective on shares of Alaris Royalty from C$21.50 to C$22.00 in a research note on Thursday, March 7th. Raymond James reduced their price objective on shares of Alaris Royalty from C$20.50 to C$18.00 in a research note on Monday, April 22nd. Desjardins raised their price objective on shares of Alaris Royalty from C$22.00 to C$22.50 in a research note on Thursday, June 13th. Finally, Royal Bank of Canada reduced their price objective on shares of Alaris Royalty from C$25.00 to C$22.00 and set an “outperform” rating for the company in a research note on Wednesday, May 8th.

TSE:AD opened at C$19.64 on Monday. The company has a market cap of $685.40 million and a price-to-earnings ratio of 9.58. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 36.91, a quick ratio of 1.86 and a current ratio of 3.84. Alaris Royalty has a fifty-two week low of C$15.62 and a fifty-two week high of C$21.41. The company’s 50-day moving average price is C$18.90.

The business also recently declared a monthly dividend, which was paid on Monday, June 17th. Stockholders of record on Monday, June 17th were paid a $0.1375 dividend. The ex-dividend date of this dividend was Thursday, May 30th. This represents a $1.65 dividend on an annualized basis and a dividend yield of 8.40%. Alaris Royalty’s dividend payout ratio is presently 79.63%.

In related news, Director Gary Patterson sold 3,000 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, May 16th. The shares were sold at an average price of C$18.98, for a total value of C$56,940.00. Following the transaction, the director now owns 28,337 shares of the company’s stock, valued at C$537,836.26. Also, Senior Officer Curtis James Krawetz sold 6,000 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, May 17th. The stock was sold at an average price of C$18.61, for a total transaction of C$111,660.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the insider now directly owns 36,721 shares in the company, valued at approximately C$683,377.81. Insiders sold 11,500 shares of company stock valued at $215,125 over the last quarter.

Alaris Royalty Company Profile

Alaris Royalty Corp. is a private equity firm specializing in management buyouts, growth capital, lower & middle market, later stage, industry consolidation, growth capital, and mature investments. The firm does not invest in turnarounds and start-ups. It prefers to invest in the companies based in all industries except for those with a declining asset base, such as oil and gas resource companies, or any industry that carry the risk of obsolescence such as high tech and focuses on business services, professional services, information services, healthcare services, distribution & logistics, industrials, consumer products.

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