Equities Analysts Cut Earnings Estimates for WPX Energy Inc (NYSE:WPX)

Equities Analysts Cut Earnings Estimates for WPX Energy Inc (NYSE:WPX)

WPX Energy Inc (NYSE:WPX) – Equities researchers at Jefferies Financial Group reduced their Q1 2019 earnings estimates for WPX Energy in a research report issued on Monday, April 22nd, according to Zacks Investment Research. Jefferies Financial Group analyst T. Hughes now expects that the oil and gas producer will earn $0.02 per share for the quarter, down from their previous estimate of $0.04. Jefferies Financial Group has a “Buy” rating and a $23.00 price target on the stock. Jefferies Financial Group also issued estimates for WPX Energy’s Q3 2019 earnings at $0.06 EPS, Q4 2019 earnings at $0.03 EPS, FY2019 earnings at $0.17 EPS, Q1 2020 earnings at $0.02 EPS, Q2 2020 earnings at $0.05 EPS, Q3 2020 earnings at $0.06 EPS, Q4 2020 earnings at $0.08 EPS and FY2020 earnings at $0.21 EPS.

WPX Energy (NYSE:WPX) last released its earnings results on Wednesday, May 1st. The oil and gas producer reported $0.05 EPS for the quarter, topping analysts’ consensus estimates of $0.03 by $0.02. WPX Energy had a net margin of 9.50% and a return on equity of 2.15%. The company had revenue of $359.00 million for the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $547.79 million. During the same quarter last year, the business earned ($0.06) EPS. The firm’s revenue was down 4.0% compared to the same quarter last year.

Other equities research analysts have also issued reports about the stock. Piper Jaffray Companies set a $16.00 price objective on shares of WPX Energy and gave the company a “buy” rating in a report on Friday, April 5th. Northland Securities reaffirmed a “buy” rating and set a $20.00 price objective on shares of WPX Energy in a report on Tuesday, April 2nd. SunTrust Banks set a $21.00 price objective on shares of WPX Energy and gave the company a “buy” rating in a report on Tuesday, April 23rd. TD Securities cut their price objective on shares of WPX Energy from $19.00 to $18.50 and set a “buy” rating for the company in a report on Thursday, May 2nd. Finally, ValuEngine lowered shares of WPX Energy from a “hold” rating to a “sell” rating in a report on Friday, May 3rd. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, two have assigned a hold rating and twenty-four have given a buy rating to the stock. The stock currently has an average rating of “Buy” and a consensus price target of $20.66.
WPX traded down $0.48 during trading on Wednesday, reaching $12.52. 5,618,474 shares of the company traded hands, compared to its average volume of 7,172,463. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.58, a current ratio of 0.70 and a quick ratio of 0.64. WPX Energy has a 12-month low of $9.89 and a 12-month high of $20.80. The firm has a market cap of $5.49 billion, a P/E ratio of 139.11, a price-to-earnings-growth ratio of 0.82 and a beta of 2.31.

Hedge funds have recently bought and sold shares of the stock. Massachusetts Financial Services Co. MA purchased a new position in WPX Energy during the fourth quarter worth $52,591,000. Yaupon Capital Management LP purchased a new position in WPX Energy during the fourth quarter worth $6,735,000. RMB Capital Management LLC boosted its stake in WPX Energy by 235.6% during the fourth quarter. RMB Capital Management LLC now owns 274,980 shares of the oil and gas producer’s stock worth $3,121,000 after buying an additional 193,054 shares during the period. Vanguard Group Inc boosted its stake in WPX Energy by 5.3% during the third quarter. Vanguard Group Inc now owns 36,939,299 shares of the oil and gas producer’s stock worth $743,219,000 after buying an additional 1,847,610 shares during the period. Finally, AQR Capital Management LLC boosted its stake in WPX Energy by 618.1% during the third quarter. AQR Capital Management LLC now owns 576,185 shares of the oil and gas producer’s stock worth $11,593,000 after buying an additional 495,947 shares during the period. 95.50% of the stock is owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors.

WPX Energy Company Profile

WPX Energy, Inc, an independent oil and natural gas exploration and production company, engages in the exploitation and development of unconventional properties in the United States. The company operates 657 wells and owns interests in 808 wells covering an area of approximately 130,000 net acres located in Delaware Basin, Texas and New Mexico; and operates 323 wells and owns interests in 87 wells that covers an area of approximately 85,087 net acres situated in the Williston Basin, North Dakota.

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